Open Call: Mural

Abstract squiggle design in black ,pink and yellow on a dusky pinky purple background. Text reads "Mural Open Call"


🖌 Generator is seeking an emerging artist based in Dundee or the surrounding area to create a new mural for us on an external wall of our unit at 25-26 Mid Wynd.

🖼 The mural will be W5m by H2m in size, in pride of place next to our front door.

💰 The fee for this project is £1,470 - this is equivalent to 7 8-hour days at the Scottish Artist Union’s new graduate rate, or 4.375 days at their highest rate. There is also a budget of up to £300 for materials costs.

📅 The week beginning September 25th currently makes most sense for us, but we can be a little flexible about dates if we really love your idea and you’re not available then.

💡 Some keywords you might use to theme your ideas around, however directly or abstractly you might like to construe them: care; joy; resistance; DIY; community; nurture

💌 To submit your proposal, please email by 23:59 on September 10th with the following:

A brief description of your idea for the mural

A quick sketch of how it might look

6 images of relevant previous work (this does not need to be murals, we just want a feel for your style)

Your CV (don’t be put off by this as it is not to check you have loads of experience)

Your pronouns


Palestine Solidarity Statement


Open Call: Sell us Your Zines!