


Jason Nelson, Kevin Reid
31 MAR – 29 APR
Location: GENERATORprojects

Jason Nelson and Kevin Reid’s work encompasses ideas of Torte Elvis, false teeth, false eyes, dogs, cats, premature death, lorne sausage, living in your council house while it’s being renovated, living in a caravan while your council house is being renovated, alcoholism, cheap hash, purple ohms and black dragons, sarcasm, bad guitar playing, trying methadone under false pretence, pie rolls with sauce, Barr’s limeade, urinating outside, body hair, bouffant, farting, overnight coach journey’s to London, boiled eggs in Tupperware boxes, watching 18 certificate videos when your 10, bowel movements, addiction, contradiction, affliction and living together in Kelty all our lives if not physically then in spirit!

Jason Nelson studied at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design: Ba (Hons) Fine Art, MSc in Electronic Imaging. Recent exhibitions include: A Friday Night In, film collaboration screened by the Open Eye Club, Tramway, Glasgow, 2006, Ganghut Melbourne, Next Wave Festival, Australia, 2006 and Aw Jock Thomson’s Bairns, The Changing Room, Stirling, 2005. Nelson is based in Dundee and is currently involved with GANGHUT at the Scottish Sculpture Workshop, Lumsden.

Kevin Reid studied at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design: Ba (Hons) Fine Art, Msc Time Based Art. He works under various guises, both individually and collaboratively. Exhibitions include: Romantic Detachment, PS1, New York, 2004, Roger & Reid - Trail of Tears, 2nd Floor Contemporary, Memphis, 2005, Ganghut – Melbourne, Next Wave Festival, Australia 2006. Reid recently completed the Scottish Arts Council Amsterdam residency and is currently based at Scottish Sculpture Workshop, Lumsden. Reid is GANGHUT Project Coordinator and is currently planning a GANGHUT event at SSW scheduled for August 2007.



They Had Four Years 2007
