Becoming a Masked Artist

GENERATOR Summer Programme: Utopias of Collective Dreaming

Bobby Sayers & Adam Scarborough present 'Becoming a Masked Artist'
Tuesday 19th August 2014, 7 - 9pm
Location: GENERATORprojects

GENERATOR presents a performative workshop by artists Bobby Sayers & Adam Scarborough. This event is part of GENERATOR's Summer Programme, Utopias of Collective Dreaming.

This event is designed to precede the exhibition opening on Wednesday evening, taking place in GENERATORprojects as the exhibition install nears it's completion. In this setting, with the visual outcome of the exhibition still in flux, Adam and Bobby invite participants to design and wear their own masks during a discussion on the role of artists and their role in society.

These masks are designed so that the participant will be subsumed into the identity of the 'masked artist'- a politically savvy and socially aware artist-activist.

This process, and the resultant masks, will be exhibited as part of the installed show which opens the following evening. All identities of participants concealed.

To attend, or for more information, please e-mail: as places are limited.


Utopias of Collective Dreaming


Utopic Tweets; A Public Poem