Featuring: Verity Birt, Jasper Coppes, Rosie Morris
26 March - 24 April 2016
Preview: 25 March 2016 | 7-9pm Open Thursday – Sunday 12-5pm

Generator Projects is proud to present the new group show COME TO DUST.

Come to Dust brings together three artists, each developing their own perspective on the material remains of monuments and civilisations.

The presentation of work suggests a new form of monument; sounds, poetic interiors and sand, each subject constructed from previous solid states, each vulnerable to disintegration.
This new monument is inherently performative; there is production in the deconstruction of site, memory and material.

Alongside the Exhibition Generator Projects will launch 2 publications; RESIDUE and RECOUNT, exploring themes of ruination, physically, digitally and sociologically.
There will be further events and discussions in the expanded programme to be held in the newly developed Collective Space within Generator Projects.

This exhibition is part of the partner programme for the Year of Architecture, Innovation and Design.

For more information about the exhibition:

Come To Dust: Exhibition Handout and Artist Biographies


Events Programme

During Come To Dust we are pleased to invite you to attend a series of events which will be held in the Collective Space at Generator.
The events are intended to provide the opportunity to explore different aspects of the work on show on the gallery.

Please see listings below. Our events are always free and open to all.

Saturday 9 April 1pm
Screening: Nostalgia For The Light 
Patricio Guzman’s Nostalgia for the Light presents us with the arid landscape of the Atacama Desert in Chile. The intensely dry landscape preserve the remains of ancient species, neolithic stone carvings and ancient human remains. The clarity of the night sky makes it one of the most important locations for astronomers researching the origin of life on earth. In stark contrast Guzman shows how the Atacama works to obscure the atrocities of Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship.

Sunday 17 April 4pm
Discussion: Cracking the Attention Code
Co-programmed with Tom Holland and the Bookmark Reading Group, please join us for a discussion and presentation with Dominic Smith 'Cracking the Attention Code: Figuring Attention as Code, Not Capital'.
Dominic Smith currently teaches as part of the Art, Philosophy and Contemporary Practices (APCP) course at UoD. He has published on Deleuze and Badiou, and is primarily focused on internet technology.Suggested prior reading
('Attention Shoppers' by Michael H. Goldhaber, Wired Magazine)

Saturday 23rd April 5pm
Publication Launch: RECOUNT 
Please join us following Discussion: Cracking the Attention Code as we launch our latest publication: RECOUNT.RECOUNT explores physical ruination, ideologies of place and anti-monumentalism, with artists and writers responding to and developing on themes from our recent exhibitions 'Come To Dust' and 'Small Gate, Infinite Field'.

Saturday 23 April 2pm
Closing Event and Artist Talk
Jasper Coppes: Rocks and Realities
Exhibiting in Come to Dust, artist Jasper Coppes will introduce us to thoughts on the notion of 'interruption' in his practice as well as his fascination with the reticence of rocks, historical artefacts and the 'murmur of the world'. A series of cement-based LP's, excerpts from his book 'Indentations' and a screening of Patrick Keiller's short film 'The Cloud' will open up to a discussion around notions of belonging, vibrant materiality, the geology of media and much more...


Panel Discussion 2006
