GENERATORprinthouse: Popular Highlights


GENERATORprinthouse: Popular Highlights

Dan Shay
2-4pm 5th September 2013

This project reflects on short texts that have either inspired or been generated through the current GENERATORprinthouse exhibition. Seeking to address the changing nature of reading due to the mediation of screens and digital technology, through a radicalisation of subsequent effects, teasing out the difference between reading a digital or analogue text. Through highlighting digital texts we will generate images to conduct a visual conversation; The subject of the texts themselves will therefore be analysed through this process.

The visual results of this project will construct a communal artwork that will feature in the upcoming exhibition 'Cut and paste: Investigating the materiality of information' at the Cooper Gallery Project Space later this month.

Anyone wishing to partake can expect a short introductory reading, followed by some rapid screen reading and highlighting short texts, finishing with some printing and projection. If you would like to propose any short texts, word docs between1-3 pages long that address the'current role of digital & analogue media' are most welcome.

please email:

This response to the project is led by Dan Shay




GENERATORprinthouse: Anyone Incapable of Taking Sides Should Say Nothing