July 27th 2019, 2-9pm

In conjunction with the launch of our new shop, GENERATORprojects are hosting a radical new event... JUMBLE SALE.

Are you a crazy hoarder in need of a declutter? Have some neat trinkets and knick-knacks needing a new home? Or are you just looking to peruse a plethora of treats while enjoying some excellent bants and vibes?

If this sounds like you then come along to our big summer jumble sale and gander in awe at the whosits and whatsits galore.

This is a chance to sell unsold artwork, spare materials, sketches, frames... anything you don’t need that you can pass on... for a price. You can sell anything from old clothes, books, potted plants, surplus veggies from your allotment, conceptual jars of hope, kisses, fortune telling... whatever you want to sell, buy a space and give it a go.

Spaces for sellers are £7.50 per person. Send us an email or message through Facebook if you're keen to sell, but be quick! Spaces will go on a first come, first served basis.

B.Y.O.D. (Bring your own displays)


After Dune


Sharing Is Caring