Members' Show 2007


GENERATOR members' show 2007

27th Jan - 11th February 2007

Private view: Friday 26th January 2007, 7.30 – 9.00pm

Location: GENERATORprojects

The Members’ Show is an annual opportunity for all Generator members to submit a piece of work for inclusion in a group exhibition, taking place in Generator Projects gallery space.   Given an open call, members can show work in any medium and of any scale.  This year’s exhibition includes large-scale constructions, abstract and figurative paintings, ceramic, multi-media and sculptural work as well as examples of printmaking and drawing.


Over the last 10 years since it was established, Generator has attracted a diverse and dynamic membership, with this year seeing a record sixty-plus artists entering work for the exhibition.   The Members’ Show is a great opportunity to view work by art students alongside their tutors, emerging amateurs alongside established professionals as well as local and international artists showing together.


Following on from the preview, Generator will host the latest in a new programme of After events designed to provide a platform for live music and performance acts to showcase their talent in the city.  This Friday night features unsigned local bands The Vetacore, The Leatherettes and DJ duo Born Bad.   This event if Free and will be held at the newly refurbished City Function Suite on St Andrews Lane.


For further information please see contact details above.


Since its foundation in 1996, Generator has striven to facilitate the demands of contemporary creative talent in the city and is dedicated to supporting the artistic community in all its diversity.  Run by a voluntary committee of artists, Generator consists of a projects space enabling exhibitions, residencies and administration.  It also houses reference material to enable the preparation of proposals, research and furthering of professional practice development.




Infernal Methods