Summer Relay Residency: Skateboarding was a crime in 1989

Summer Relay Residency: Skateboarding was a crime in 1989

Opening: 21st July 2017, 6-9pm
Continues: 22nd July to 27th August 2017

This collective made up from skaters and artists have transfomed the gallery into a working skate park. With a beautiful mini ramp and a street section to boot, there is something for everyone. B.Y.O.B (Bring your own board). The generator latrine has also been dabbled with a lick of paint from SYC’s official toilet painter Blair McCafferty.

Zoe Gibson
A recent graduate of DJCAD, Gibson has transfomed the walls of the ‘half-pipe room’ into a candy coloured post apocalyptic dreamscape. You’ll not miss the giant wild boar and strawberries oozing with corrosive green goo.

Freya Whitaker
A second cut of fresh meat from this years DJCAD creative cash cow is Freya Whitaker. She has turned the entire large gallery into an underwater minagerie of creatures including a vicious looking angler fish…and a prawn.

Chris Gerrard
Gerrard has been gifted a wonderful space equivilent to that of the turbine hall in the Tate Modern or somewhere else thats very big (I dunno like a stadium or those sheds you keep planes in). Gerrards’ gloomy cave contains some hidden treasures. Try not to get lost!

Timo Aho
Back again after his debut at Generator in this years TH4Y, Aho has Ge-jazzled 25/26 Mid Wynd. The facade of the building has been truly Timoflaged. It is almost impossble to find the gallery now.

This Friday is the opening evernt for this project.
18:00 – 21:00

*Free Tacos and Chili*
*Free margaritas and beer till we run out*
BYOB also.
Music Provided by Reckless Kettle


Works by Nathan Anthony


They Had Four Years 2017