The Public Image | Scottish Lady Tiger: FINISSAGE


The Public Image | Scottish Lady Tiger: FINISSAGE

Michael Curran
Finissage: Sunday 30th 2018, 2-5pm

Video and performance artist Michael Curran has created an environment in which a series of actions and performances inspired by the life and work of Muriel Spark can take place. Generator Projects is acting as a laboratory, a press office, a casting room and a film set for Curran and his collaborators to dissect the author’s fascination with appearances and what lies beneath.

Curran is inhabiting the space for the duration of the show, reading aloud from Spark's 22 novels on a Public Address System, drawing, playing records, sitting in contemplation and shredding books to make paper amongst an assortment of objects, videos and situations which reference Spark's oeuvre and life. The exhibition acts accumulatively, as new elements are introduced or taken away, with the final result being an accretion of Curran's time occupying the space.

 This exhibition explores some of the ambiguities concerning Spark, the exile, the émigré and the enigma. As part of the project, we are producing an LP The Nine Lives of Muriel Spark with sound artists: Viralux (Trish Lyons & Gordon Dawson) [BOX] aka Neil McIntee, UrbanFarmHand (Ben Seal) Somerset Moan (Emil Thompson), Ana Cavic, AD Crawforth, Root Canal (Rufus Mich). This is being manufactured during the show and released at the finishing party.

 All of Spark's novels are available in the space and visitors are encouraged to read from them either silently or out loud. The author considered herself a poet first and foremost, seeing her novels as long form poetry. We have commissioned artists Rebecca Sharp and Valerie Sutton to create a scent named POETA, evoking Spark's luminous aura. Rebecca will discuss their journey toward the realisation of this scent at the finishing party and release a limited edition of the scent.A reading group in London has been put together by Curran and as the show evolves in Dundee, the group are discussing her work down south and uploading their contributions to the Scottish Lady Tiger website.

The Finissage begins with the release of the scent followed by a performative Lecture 'Scottish Lady Tiger’ by Michael Curran. Music from the artists featured on the Nine Lives LP will round off this event inviting guests and project participants to join together in celebration of Muriel Spark's Centenary. We will be holding a raffle where a lucky Tiger will win a copy of Nine Lives.

Photos from the finissage - here


Flesh and Finitude


The Public Image | Scenting the Space: POETA