two rooms of one's own: Carol Armstrong

We are delighted to announce Carol Armstrong as our first occupant during ‘Two rooms of one’s own’.

Carol Armstrong navigates imagery with an awareness of the influence of the male gaze on contemporary visual culture. Her methods are playful and intuitive; a process of collection, curation and problem-solving, striving to create a space reflective of how she feels and experiences the world. There is a catharsis in the construction of space for yourself, no matter how temporary. Carol seeks the creation of space which holds familiarity but also allows us to face and discuss the uncomfortable. In her own words “As we are now asked to close our doors and abandon our incomes, the curation of a space which is consistent with nurturing health and wellbeing seems more important than ever.”

Carol will be using our gallery space however she likes from the 23rd - 28th March; we’ll let you know how it goes!


two rooms of one's own: on pause


GENERATOR occupancies: two rooms of one's own