call+response: blooms

This open call is now closed! See the published texts in the ‘writing’ section of our site!

A first slice of alternative programming - something we’ve wanted to do for a while, and that hopefully will continue long after this is all over 🌱-

GENERATOR are happy to announce our new commissioned writing programme! ‘call+response’ takes the form it says on the tin: for each iteration we put forward a call - with a theme chosen rotationally by our committee - and select two responses to commission and publish on our website. Two is a nice number, and these pairings will hopefully engender open dialogue around the given theme. We welcome a fluid set of genres or styles of text, whether critical or creative, personal or poetic, mimetic or exegetic, sci-fi, lo-fi, embodied, disembodied, entertainment-only or experimentally obscure.
We are looking for Scotland-based emerging artists/writers to submit. While the published texts are to be of 750 words, we will be accepting proposals of no more than 200 that outline/set the vibe of your planned response. Successful applicants will receive a fee of £150 to produce the work, to be published the following month.

To kick things off, our first iteration’s theme is ‘blooms’. Be your blooms botanical, seasonal, fungal, algal, Leopold or Orlando - we are looking for texts that respond to a kind of flourishing: to propagation, dissemination // to organic growths or urban sprawls // to transience // to brevity // to green seas or hayfever dreams. Spring is springing, conditions are ripe.

The deadline for proposals is midnight on the 15th of May. Please send these, along with a CV and sample of existing work, to

See our Creative Scotland listing here.


